83.45 Acre Walnut Orchard – Oroville, CA
LOCATION: The subject property lies approximately four miles east of Highway 70 on Lower Honcut Road. The property is located in Butte County, California.
APNS: 028-080-018
ORCHARD: Approximately 30 acres were planted to Livermore also known as Red Walnuts in 2016. In the spring of 2015 the owner prepared the soil by excavation of each tree hole for the planting of paradox seedlings and the paradox seedlings were grafted to Livermore in the spring of 2016. Approximately 40 acres are older Serr and Vina varieties. The sellers plan was to utilize the income off of the Serr and Vinas until the Livermore’s came into production.
- Red Walnuts
- The “Red Walnut” also know as a Livermore walnut was developed in 1991 at the University of California, Davis. Scientists at the university obtained a rate cultivar of walnut from the French National Institute of Agricultural Research Collection. Through a controlled pollination experiment with a standard walnut cultivar, the Livermore Red Walnut was created. Since there are limited amounts of producing Red Walnut trees these rare walnuts are currently available in select high end stores, farmers markets, and online.
IRRIGATION: The entire orchard is set up on solid set irrigation.
WATER: The entire orchard is supplied with two separate wells with turbine type gear hands and 20 hp electric motors.
COMMENTS: The Vinas and Serrs could be removed and planted to a different variety. A portion of the property is subject to seasonal flooding.
Click Here for the Soil Map: 83.45 Acre Soil Map
Click Here for the Brochure: 83.45 Acre Brochure
PRICE: $950,000
Stromer Realty Company of California
Sean Stromer| DRE # 01307776
530.713.5000 (m) | sean@stromerrealty.com
Property Details
Address: Lower Honcut Road
City: Oroville
State: CA
Zip: 95966